Something Only God Can Do

In the midst of the Great Things He Has Taught Us…, this message, delivered by our Pastoral Assistant Sean Couch, reminds us of one of the many great truths He has shown us: that God desires to do things that only He can do! This message is taken from Joshua 3...

Bringing Blesssing Into Brokenness

Tragedy surrounds us. How are we as Christians to respond in light of all the tragedy? Find out more in this message Bringing Blessings into Brokenness. This message continues our Great Things He Has Taught Us… series. Date: February 27, 2011   Podcast:...

Surrounded by God’s Favor

In a culture that is equates blessings with money, we can easily be confused about what it really means to be blessed by Him. Find out what His blessings are all about in this message from Psalm 5. We are continuing to study Great Things He Has Taught Us… as we...

Standing Out in the Crowd

God has specifically called and equipped Christians to stand out in the crowd–not by being “weird”, but by being His people. Find out more about how to stand out from this message from 1 Peter 2:9-12. This message continues our Great Things He Has...

From Pressures to Priorities

With all the pressure around you today, take a break to learn how to go from pressure to priorities from this message out of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). This is part six of our series entitled Great Things He Has Taught Us.. Date: February 13, 2011 (PM...

Understanding the Love of God

Continuing to reflect on what God has taught us as a church, this message covers one of the defining characteristics of Christianity: the amazing love of God. Gain a better understanding of His love for you as you listen to this message from Romans 5:8 Date: February...