The Big Story

Whether we realize it or not, our life stories are following a much larger story that God has laid out before the foundation of the world. In this sermon, Pastor Tim helps us see the big story of the universe and how that relates to our story.

Work Matters: From Bondage to Blessing

Everyone struggles from time to time with the work they do. In this sermon from Ephesians 6:5-8, Pastor Tim shows us that even when we can’t change our job, God can change us.

Godly Living in the Age of Rage

Recent events in our nation and around the world have highlighted that anger is a problem all around us. See what the Bible says about our anger and how to handle it God’s way.

When Life is Less Than Perfect

If you’ve lived life very long, you’ve discovered that often times, life is far from perfect. How do Christians respond when things aren’t going their way? Listen as Pastor Tim shows us some things in Peter’s life from Luke 5 that will set us up to react well when life is less than perfect.

Serving Others to Jesus

What is servanthood evangelism and how does it open the door to share Jesus with people? In this sermon from John 13, Pastor Tim shows how Jesus set the example for us to follow.