Spiritual Birthmarks

Just like we share certain characteristics of our biological parents, children of God will be known by certain characteristics they share with Him. This sermon from 1 John 5 shows three ways Christians should look like their Heavenly Father.

Life’s Difficult Detours

Our lives are full of detours that God sends us on in order to accomplish His purposes for our lives and those around us. In this sermon from Exodus 13-17, Pastor Tim looks at a detour God’s people in the Old Testament were on and how it relates to us today.

When the Foundations Fail

What are Christians supposed to do when it feels like things in our lives, our families, or our world are falling apart? This timely message from Psalm 11 gives us four keys to handling those difficult times.

Loving Others Well

In the follow up to his sermon, The Only Cure, Pastor Tim gives Christians practical advice for loving others in a counter-cultural way. Loving Others Well is a very fitting sermon for our day.